Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Vancouver 2010 Olympics Feb 10th

The olympics are starting very soon and Im prepared to be out to get as many photos as possible. Here the torch comes through lower lonsdale at 7:30am.

This is the Russian ship the Kruzenshtern coming to port in North Vancouver.
Some of the passengers on the Kruzenshtern as its being tied up to the dock.
The Kruzenshtern docked at the Pier in North Vancouver.
After a long docking process and after customs is finished on the ship the crew are finally allowed to come onto Canadian soil.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Downtown before the olympics

(Left) The Sheraton Vancouver HDR. I passed by this today and just had to stop on my way home to capture this building. I really think this photo would be better if the trees and flowers were out. Maybe I'll take another one next month.

(Above) NY staircase in Vancouver. We went for a walk downtown today and I saw this amazing older building in the Westend.

(Left) The Olympics are here, you can just feel it in the downtown area. Streets are blocked off traffic is dying down. its going to be a crazy month.

Friday, February 5, 2010


(Above) Went to the migratory bird sanctuary again today. It was pretty quite but I love seeing these wood ducks. The feathers behind their heads are just beautiful.

(Left and below) SandHill Cranes on the hunt in the field and onto the path. These cranes are huge, like nothing I've ever seen before.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Colorful in Shade

I was out to Whytecliff park today with Kash and Steve checking out the scenery. I dont know what kind of birds these are but I snapped a few shots before the rain came down again and we were forced to come home. Tomorrow is suppose to be a sunny day so maybe some better pictures then.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Balcony View

This is just the view from our balcony, I hardly left the house today...not to say I wasn't productive. I hear about lots of work coming to Vancouver in the film industry but how come everyone is unemployed right now.....hopefully something comes in soon.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Lighthouse Park Surprise

(Above) I went to Lighthouse Park again trying to get that shot overlooking the city. The clouds came in and ended the hopes for that so I started walking around to the other side of the park. On my way I heard this little guy just off the trail. I snapped a few quick photos and at least one turned out ok. Then along the way I ran into a woman staring up into the trees, the weird thing about it though is that she was walking around wrapped in a blanket with no shoes on. Mud all over her feet....i kid you not I wish I had the guts to snap a photo for proof but Im not.

(Above) Then I heard over on the other side of the light house. I ran over, climbing rocks and following the sound till there they were. I was surrounded by eagles landing in the trees around me. I sat there for awhile cleaning my lens off and watching them. Later on I was accompanied by a few other people watching these amazing birds.

(above) After everyone left a shrimp boat drove by and drew all of the eagles out into the water so I was able to capture them flying back into the trees.

(Above) I call this guy patches, he is also in the last photo I believe.

(Above) More eagles coming in from the shrimp boat.

(Above) This one here landed on the branch just in front of me. I would have captured him landing if I wasnt on the phone trying to brag about all the eagles I just saw to Santiago.

lessons learned today: Sit and wait for birds in the right place and you will find them. Do not try to call up and brag about something while shooting, you will miss a great shot!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Bird Sanctuary

(Above) I went to the Bird Sanctuary today with Santiago. This little guy came down right in front of me on this girls hand so I quickly snapped 1 photo before it flew away.

(Above) This is a Blue Heron just hanging out in field, I dont know how they stay that still but you hardly see them move at all.

(To the left and Below) are some Sandhill Cranes we came across just waling around the path ahead. These things didnt care how close we were it was crazy. Ive never been so close to a bird this big thats for sure. I had a great time here, I think I will be coming back to the Bird Sanctuary quite a few times.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Whytecliff Park

We went up to Whytecliff park today and I saw this little guy hanging out on the rocks. Ive never seen anything like it. I guess it is called a Cormorant, hmmm you learn something new everyday I guess.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Got to play around with some window light today. I dont have many chances to play around with portraiture so I have to take every opportunity, especially when the sun comes out here.

This is Steph my bride to be on October 1st 2010 relaxing in the sun on the couch at home.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The shot that wouldn't be...

Went to Lighthouse Park again with Santiago a friend I met here and coworker. I went to a different side of the park then I usually do today and found the most amazing view. The clouds parted just enough to show Mt Baker right behind downtown Vancouver. From where we were the rest of the view was blocked by trees.

We hurried around to a pot we saw that had an unobstructed view of Downtown, the North Shore and the Lions Gate Bridge. The light was fading behind us so I headed off the path towards the water to see if I could grab one more shot. The sun set and the image I was chasing after was gone.

I will be back to take that shot once the rain stops and the clouds allow baker to show through again. The walk back to the car was long and difficult because we went off the actual path. Climbing over bushes, tress and up wet steep hill while lugging around camera gear is not fun. From now on I will try to stay on the path...

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Eagles in Squamish, BC

We drove up to Squamish today to see some Eagles during peak season. Even with a long 500mm telephoto lens it was hard to see any of them.

We walked along the creak behind some houses to get down by the river bank. I felt kind of weird walking so close to these houses but there was a trail and I always check what's down a trail. Even when we were down beside the river it was hard to see any in the trees. Maybe we just went too late in the day. I would like to go up again before they fly back down south, I guess November to February is when you find Eagles in BC.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Lighthouse park pano

I went out to Lighthouse park today and tried my first panorama shot. This was created shooting 10 images vertically and merging them together in photoshop. The end result is a very large and long photo (15237px X 3488px or 63.5in X 14.5in @ 300 dpi) I really enjoy lighthouse park in West Vancouver, lots to see. It seems this new hobby is getting me out and off the computer more, which is a good thing. Im learning more about photography everyday, we'll see how it goes.

This was shot handheld on a D90 with the Nikkor 18-200mm lens.