Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Lighthouse Park Surprise

(Above) I went to Lighthouse Park again trying to get that shot overlooking the city. The clouds came in and ended the hopes for that so I started walking around to the other side of the park. On my way I heard this little guy just off the trail. I snapped a few quick photos and at least one turned out ok. Then along the way I ran into a woman staring up into the trees, the weird thing about it though is that she was walking around wrapped in a blanket with no shoes on. Mud all over her feet....i kid you not I wish I had the guts to snap a photo for proof but Im not.

(Above) Then I heard over on the other side of the light house. I ran over, climbing rocks and following the sound till there they were. I was surrounded by eagles landing in the trees around me. I sat there for awhile cleaning my lens off and watching them. Later on I was accompanied by a few other people watching these amazing birds.

(above) After everyone left a shrimp boat drove by and drew all of the eagles out into the water so I was able to capture them flying back into the trees.

(Above) I call this guy patches, he is also in the last photo I believe.

(Above) More eagles coming in from the shrimp boat.

(Above) This one here landed on the branch just in front of me. I would have captured him landing if I wasnt on the phone trying to brag about all the eagles I just saw to Santiago.

lessons learned today: Sit and wait for birds in the right place and you will find them. Do not try to call up and brag about something while shooting, you will miss a great shot!

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